At MyGreenBag we pride ourselves on the quality of the products we sell, the material is carefully sourced so we can provide customers with the best quality leather there is.  All products across the range including jute material have the same high quality guarantee. You wont find us on the high - street, we are an online fashion company so we pass the saving directly to you. Our wonderful cowhide bags are the bi-products of food – that means none of daisy is wasted! We get top marks for being unique too! All of our bags are handmade, hand treated and the leather products are hand polished! We take great pride in our designs of leather backpack and satchels, not to be found a match anywhere on the high streets. Because we take such care over this it means none of the bags are ever exactly the same – fashion as unique as you. We have been trading online since 2012 and our fashion brand has been growing ever since. Get involved and join the rucksack revolution!